Saturday, August 04, 2007

Next Generation IP, IPv6

I'm trying to put a little touch of tech here. not just crap words :p
considering there are not so many articles about it/them in Indonesia, or Indonesian itself. so I hope I can do a little contribute... enough for the crap. Let's get start...


Bisa dibilang hampir semua komputer (bukan cuma komputer sih..) masih menggunakan alamat IP (Internet Protocol) yang masih konvensional hingga sekarang, yaitu IPv4. Jumlah alamat IPv4 emang banyak, karena terdiri dari 32 bit, ya total 2^32. jaman dulu waktu standar ini dibuat emang masih lebih dari cukup. tapi sekarang ketika seluruh dunia berlomba2 terhubung ke internet tentu aja pengalamatan ini udah gak relevan lagi. beberapa solusi sementara kayak NAT, seperti namanya, hanya solusi sementara karena pasti seluruh device bakal terus bertambah.

so, sekarang para pakar internet udah sejak lama menggagas IPng, yaitu Next Generation Internet Protocol, yang memungkinkan semua komputer/device di seluruh dunia terhubung secara langsung agar dapat berkomunikasi. Protokol Internet ini dinamakan IPv6, yang memiliki panjang 128 bit, sehingga terlalu panjang kalau diungkapkan dengan kata2 (ca elah... :p)...

contoh IPv4 :
contoh IPv6: 3ffe:0501:0008:0000:0260:97ff:fe40:efab
Keliatannya hebat banget, kan? tapi tentu aja bukan tanpa masalah. kenapa? yaitu kita tidak bisa langsung mengganti perangkat komputer/eletronik di seluruh dunia ini dengan perangkat yang support IPv6 langsung. bayangin aja, ada berapa komputer di seluruh dunia? dengan OS yang berbeda2 pula. maka diperlukan sustu mekanisme tertentu untuk menjembatani pindahnya pemakaian IPv4 ke IPv6. Cara ini disebut Mekanisme Transisi. standar terbarunya ada di RFC 2893, menunjukkan berbagai macam teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk transisi.

Secara umum mekanisme transisi dibagi dalam 3 kategori :
  1. Dual-Stack

  2. Tunnelling

  3. Translasi

1. Metode Dual-Stack bisa terdiri dari Dual-Stack Host, atau DSTM (Dual Stack Transition Mechanism)
2. Tunneling (koneksi antara jaringan/host IPv6 melalui network IPv4) terdiri dari:
- 6over4
- 6to4
- Teredo
- Tunnel Broker
- Isatap
3. Translasi, metode ini dapat menghubungkan antara IPv6 dengan IPv4:


I'm working on a little tunneling of my final task. pengen didokumentasiin dikit di sini. untuk OS yang gampang aja lah.. ;)

Pertama saya coba bikin prototipe jaringan kayak gini

sebagai catatan router menggunakan PC router.
Spek PC:
- R1 dan R2, OS GNU/Linux Fedora Core
- PC1 dan PC2, Microsoft Windows XP SP1

setup client (PC):
secara default IPv6 untuk windows belum diaktifkan, install aja dulu. bisa dari "Local area network" properties, klik install, pilih Protocol IPv6. atau supaya lebih enak lewat command prompt supaya ntar bisa sekalian konfig dan tes IPv6-nya. setup untuk PC1 dan PC2 dilakukan dengan cara yang sama. tinggal setting IP nya saja yang berbeda.

C:\>ipv6 install

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::216:36ff:fe13:5ebb%4
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::5445:5245:444f%6
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Tunnel adapter Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::5efe:
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

sudah terlihat konfigurasi alamat IPv6 yang ada, yaitu alamat link-local. Dari interface yang terlihat di atas, terlihat beberapa interface tunneling untuk IPv6, yaitu Ethernet (LAN), Teredo, dan Isatap.

waw... lama juga ya bikin tulisan gini doank... ntar dilanjutin lagi deh... ;)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Finally, I got my own domain for my blog. the name as what I wanted before; a little confusing configuration was to set the free DNS to tell where is my real blog address is.

I tried to use a freedns hosting & forwarding for domains. I thought it wasn't working well when I didn't find my domain couldn't be accessed. I also tried to search any free DNS hosting. but none of them work as good as even when I followed the instructions from blogger itself. after a night working on them (I also searching for any domains can be named as iphone, oh God, I'm obsessed with this stuff... ;)), I got them both. they are my .id domain and iphone on I redirect them all to my blog on blogger. I think it ill a little longer for awardspace to reach my blog.

I'm trying to get another domain, ;)
oh, no..... my final project.... :0

Monday, June 25, 2007

Have a nice going to a new life to Rasyid :)

We were attending Rasyid's (Cyb3rh3b) weeding in cilegon. what a tiring trip to go there. and what a prodigal car. It really wasting gas. the acceleration was so good for a van car, but it spend much money on gas. so we were really loss on it.

actually, the trip was not bad. we met some people that missed. our seniors, although there still some of them couldn't go too. that was my first trip to Banten after several years I haven't gone there. I think I went there when I was a kid.

we hardly could find the building that was being used for the wedding. we didn't have the address of the building. just Rasyid's house. so we went there, and ask people there where was the wedding was held. damned... the building was on the road we have passed before. so we turned back. and, the trip was full of miss directions. we went here and there and so long we could find the place we wanted to go. but finally we could reach them.. :P

but the fun was we went to Anyer beach after had some lunch at the wedding. the view at the beach so beautiful, even though it wasn't the most beautiful place there. I also haven't been gone to beach after years, cause I stay in Bandung. we had a little enjoyable moment there playing on the beach and the water of sea. (actually I wanted to bring some sand from there :)).

Well, the most suffering way was on the way to home. The gas was about to drain, also our money... :( so we tried to save the gas by switching the AC off. by the needle was pointing to the zero, Iqbal was so worried that the car was gonna stop helpless meanwhile we were on the highway to Bandung. but actually I believed that the gas was still enough to reach Buah Batu (even thought I still had a little worry :P) so finally we went out from Pasteur finding a gas station there, when we find it on the left side, we missed it, so we have to fall back a little.

That was it, a tiring trip to Banten, Cilegon, and Anyer. Alhamdulillah we reached Bandung in safe again. I hope we can have a trip and moment like that again in some other time... :)

Friday, June 01, 2007


I called DZ, I'v been missing her. I don't know, I think there's something when I had a feeling that I wanted to call her. My feeling was right, when we had a many chats and talks, we arrive at a talk about her birthday, you know... It's tomorrow, means 1st July. woww.. that's why I felt strange.

We talk much, about erk until eyeglasses. so many so I can't remember again. It was quite long, about almost 2 hours. well, that was really cheap using esia. I planned to buy some gift for her. just a little thing for friendship :) She'll gonna go to jkt tomorrow, having a job recruiting test there. I hope she will get any job she wants and suits her.

Well, I wanna say again: Happy Birthday to you again, DZ. Have nice day and good luck. Hope the best come to you... hope we 3 can gather again later, soon... ;)

Monday, April 30, 2007


A long time of idle and searching for task was boring. I don't know, I haven't done the typing. but fortunately I have got the way of the method that I use. the 6over4. thanx to Microsoft that have included the tunneling for ipv6 in Windows XP Pro SP 1. after a long time, I just knew recently. I thought I would use any opensource OS like GNU/Linux or FreeBSD.

Well, I think the time for playing is enough. It's show time. It's the time to act. become active, just don't listen at whoever say that it is musn't be done or can't be done. The most important thing is The Effort, and I believe I CAN DO IT!!!

Wish me LUCK, guys!!! ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


As you see, I always tried to post in English, every post of my blog. It was one of the way for me to practice my English. but I found a little difficult to let my creativity out. A little hard to express myself. so I think I'll try to post
in Indonesian too.

Now, the connection speed of each VPN account of my campus has been decreased. I feel so bored with this. we can't feel anything with the speed. It is so slooowww...

These two weeks are the exam week, it feels solitude. the last lecture I had for exam on Monday wasn't the best thing I could do. but I did a quite effort to do it. I hope the result will satisfy me...

Well, now is the vacation time ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Feb 9-11 2007

It was my first trip to Palembang. Attending my cousin's marriage. Unfortunately we only had 2 nights time there. Well, may be if I just go by myself I would stay longer. I just have the chance to upload my pictures that we took there... Here they are:

On the plane... I hope we wouldn't fall down. There have been so many plane accidents recently..

The night beside the Musi river and the Ampera bridge.

The Ampera Bridge

...was about to home...

The Musi and The Ampera from the sky