Saturday, February 03, 2007


The flood has come again. it attacks all part of Jakarta. not even in Jakarta, it also comes to other places in Indonesia, one of them is Jambi.

This disaster is most about human faults. people often just throw trash not in the right place. they throw garbage to the river, the sewage, even in the pool. the Jakarta gov also always did the wrong way. they evicted the people from their houses by the reason of sight irk. than they trade the land to the real estate developers to make buildings, skycrapers. isn't that really a fool thing that they did?

not also that, they also build and build again. it makes jakarta don't has any absorp area again. so if the big flood comes, the town won't be able to hold any water come. then it became the flood.

the jakarta citizens (the riches) bought houses in upper town like bogor, puncak, and the surroundings area that is higher land than jakarta. so they also can't absorb water if the rain come.

so, it's all about human faults. the jakarta gov never learn from their mistakes in the past. they just do and do it again.

we should aware about our neighbor. we should keep it, because the earth is the place where we live. where ever we are.


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